Monday, September 28, 2009

Where am I????

I have had a horrible weekend!!

Went out for dinner with my sisters on Saturday and our respective "partners" and soon found Ty flirting with the barmaid!! Had a HUGE fight with him at home - and at one point he raised his hand to hit me!!

I left in the car and drove all night in tears!! Things are NOT good between us. Have ended up in a small hotel. I need time out! Luckily I am on holidays from work - so no commitments.

I know you are reading this my lovely Bella and Sasha - all is well here!

Will text you both soon.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

It has been a while ...

I have not blogged in the longest time. Ty and I have been looking to buy a place - which we finally did!! Big commitment is a mortgage, don't you know? Nice to own a place all our own.

Flat out at work too! Churning through work and keeping everyone happy ... and as a result this keeps my life happy.

Well our place is what is commonly know as a "Mc Mansion" :) Big, spacious ... and very bare!! Out in the badland 'burbs of Melbourne. Oh not so pretty I can tell you. But the suburb will be one day, when the trees have matured and the vacant blocks have dwellings on them, and not dry, cracked sun-parched earth.

My younger sis Bella has been seeing a young man named Dan, which is nice. She is sssooo shy and he seems to bring her out of her shell. Ah ... young love :)

New resolution ... to blog more frequently now I have settled and have more time.

Thanks everyone for their lovely comments!!

I love this blog - Tavi is such a great lil blogger - bless her ...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Coffee, cake and the impending seven year itch

Thought I would grab a moment while indulging in some coffee and cake - a friend's birthday brings this moist banana cake my way - aren't birthdays great?? :)

I told Tyler last night that I have started this blog and he was none too impressed. But I was stern and told him that he had his footy and I had my blog. I need to tame him - he is becoming unruly! Friends remind me of the 'seven year itch' - as we are heading into the seventh year for our marriage. I just remind them that it is simply a Marilyn Monroe movie - that is all.

Ty does not know my blog address however - as it is private - well to him anyway :) Secret Em Business! Very much like the conversations he and his mates have at the pub or footy. Secret Ty Business.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A little about me ...

This is my very first ever blog. I have never written a word about myself online before. I don't even have a Facebook account. I thought blogging would be more 'me', like a diary of my thoughts and to make some 'blogger' friends.

Well, I will tell you a little about me ...

I am a blonde (but not a dumb one I hope). I have blue eyes. I am 28 years old. I live in Melbourne, Australia. I am I79cm tall and weigh about 60kg - well, most of the time anyway :). I try to stay fit and healthy, usually by running and swimming, but I do like my food and love to cook. I work as a freelance designer in publishing and advertising agencies - which I love. I love camping, cycling and romantic movies - and sometimes a scary one - for a thrill. I love to travel and have recently visited Europe - but I don't get to travel as much as I would like. :( I love all types of music except for heavy metal - I really love that new track from Evermore "Truth of the World".

I own a home with my husband Tyler. We have been married for six years now - we have our ups and downs - always have - and to be honest, we are on a down at the moment. The passion in our relationship is waning - does this happen to other couples? How do they revive it? And he is the reason that I don't travel a great deal ... Tyler doesn't like to travel and would sooner "hang with his mates" at a BBQ or the footy :( Men!!

Anyway must dash. I am enjoying this!! tehehe